At the Doha airport in Qatar, airport security forces women to take off their underwear .. An Australian narrates the details of women being forced to undergo examination in Qatar.

 At the Doha airport in Qatar, airport security forces women to take off their underwear .. An Australian narrates the details of women being forced to undergo examination in Qatar.

An Australian passenger recounted the details of the horrific experience she went through after she was taken off on a Qatar Airways plane in Doha by officials who searched her and others naked and examined them medically in an attempt to identify the mother of a baby who was found in the airport toilet.

The British Guardian newspaper indicated that Kim Mills was one of nine women who were removed from the plane that was heading to Sydney, Australia, on October 2, and the women were taken through Hamad International Airport to what appeared to be a dark car park, where three were waiting for them. Ambulances for medical checks to determine if any of the women had recently given birth.

Mills was the only woman not to be tested.

Miles told the Guardian of Australia that they asked her to get into the ambulance, and while she was on her way another officer stood in front of her and said to her, "No, no, you go. Go." While standing, a young girl got out of the ambulance, crying and in shock.

She continued, saying that she turned and started walking with her in an attempt to calm her down, and asked her what was happening, so I told her that they had found a child in the bathroom at the airport and they were examining all the women.

Miles said she was the luckiest on this trip because she had white hair and she was in her 60s, so maybe they looked at her and thought carefully and said it was impossible for her to be her.

After that, others on the plane told her that he had requested that they be forbidden to take off their underwear in order to undergo a medical examination.

By : Admin
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