Cat behavior training

 Cat behavior training

Learning the behaviors of cats before starting to train them would be a good idea for anyone who is going to train a cat's behavior.

A cat can jump up and land on its feet, as this is a natural instinct for a cat. When a kitten is born, the cushion in a kitten's paws does not develop with the cushion to land on its feet. It takes about 7 weeks to develop the cushion into a cat's paw to land. The bone structure of a cat is unique to other animals, since the bones are flexible, the cat does not have a clavicle, which allows them to twist and bend the bones. A cat can jump from short distances without injury.

With this behavior, you will want to teach the cat to jump hoops, sticks, or from the scratching tree. Letting a cat jump from extreme heights will cause injury to the cat.

Cats have a unique hearing ability; They can hear high tones and tones, like opening a door or a can of food. Cats also have unique olfactory abilities. The reason a cat scratches or urinates on the floor, rubs against a door or furniture, is that the cat is leaving its scent in those areas so that it can go back and know it was there, in other words, marking its territory. Also, if another cat or animal approaches the area, a cat will know. Cats can smell with their mouths too. There is a gland called 'Jacobson's organ', it is a sac in the upper mouth of the cat full of blood, since the cat smells the smell and slightly opens its mouth and upper lip, this allows the smell to be carried in and towards the sac, which will carry the scent going to the cat's brain. This mainly happens to male cats when a female has urinated.

With these natural instincts and behaviors, this can give you insight that will help you train your cat. With behavioral training, you want to make sure you allow your cat the ability to somehow develop its natural instincts and behaviors.

When training a cat for behaviors, here are some things to keep in mind when training. Aggression especially in older cats, this may be due to diseases, other cats in the household. You may want to contact your vet to have the cat check if it is okay at this time to train a cat.

Depression and anxiety could play another role when trying to train your cat. If a cat is separated by its recent owner, the cat may become depressed. Stress in a cat can be a common effect in a cat. If you think your cat has depression or a lot of anxiety, this would be a good time to take him to the vet. Veterinarians can talk to you about some of the things that may be causing this and a list of help to help the cat. There are medications that a vet can prescribe for the cat to help with depression and anxiety.

Never hit a cat as punishment, the cat will learn to fear you, and fear will be a behavior that you will not be able to control or retrain. When they do something that is not right. Ignore the problem or if you detect it in a correct way, you can associate a noise with that behavior in what you do not like or simply say "NO" in a stern voice.

If a behavior is becoming impossible, you may have to resort to baby-proofing the house, all containers that have food have a lid. Make sure the counters are clean and don't have anything a cat wants to play with.

The day you get your cat or kitten, you will want to start training at this point. This will keep a lot of unwanted behaviors at bay and hopefully won't allow new behaviors to start.

Healthy cats need healthy relationships with their owner.

By : Admin
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