How to choose historical areas to visit in Paris - Les-Catacombs
This article is designed for all history buffs with a vision that opens their minds to all areas of life, including visiting the grave. If you are interested in learning and reliving the uncivilized history of Paris, and don't mind visiting the dead, you must visit Les Catacombs de Paris. The tunnels are not suitable for everyone, only for those with an open mind to see what it is like to walk in the grave and visit the dead. The tunnels have a haunting but unique pattern of bones and skulls, designed to bring the dead back to life.
Some people feel that visiting Les-Catacombs in Paris is a waste of time. However, Opinionists do not realize that history buffs see things from a new perspective. At Les-Catacombs, you will pay an entrance fee of five French dollars.
The areas around Paris in the late 19th century put the average person off, as its history of overcrowded cemeteries and deceased souls made the area one of the uncivilized surroundings of Paris. The area was full of dirt. That is why the Parisian municipalities transferred the deceased to the tunnels of Les-Catacombs. In this tunnel lie the bones of millions of dead souls. France's Parisian councils transferred the bones, stacking them in various areas around the tunnel. The skulls of these dead people are piled up in areas of the tunnel and put together backwards / forwards. The bones are disturbing to many, since the structures of these dead peoples were modeled in such a way that they appear as faces and transversal structures, that is, in the form of crosses.
Throughout the tunnels there are spiral staircases. Once you start down the stairs, you will see the eye sockets of the deceased. The tunnels are present as you continue down the stairs. As you continue down the stairs and into the earthen tunnels, you are approaching the graves of many deceased souls, which at this point you cannot turn back. Since underground tunnels and tombs give you the creeps, you need to make sure you wear the right clothing to stay warm. Note that you will get residuals from the deceased. If this bothers you, perhaps you can wear an outfit that protects your clothes and your flesh.Throughout the hike, you will notice the walls. The walls are full of pests, but observers say the information is written in French. This makes sense, since the tunnels were designed in the 19th century. In view of the fact, you may want to learn a little French before visiting the tunnel. Ultimately, if you have a French interpreter or a French-speaking friend, take them with you.
NOTE: Because people have stolen bones from the tunnels, when you return to the starting point, the staff will inspect your bags.
How to decide if Les-Catacombs is right for you or your children:
Les-Catacombs is not intended for people who fear closed areas, underground sands, etc. If you're claustrophobic, you might like to visit other Paris attractions. Children with a history, or with the intention of preparing a future in science, etc., can enjoy this experience, however, most will feel threatened by the environment. Take care to consider the tastes of your children, first explain to them what they will be visiting, and ask them if this is something they want to see.
The experience for children could be a learning experience that opens their eyes to the reality of death and graves. However, if your kids cannot handle this or have emotional reactions easily, visit other attractions in Paris.
Where is Les-Catacombs located in France?
Les-Catacombs is in first place, Denfert-Rochereau. The tunnels are open from Tuesday to Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, the tunnel is open from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. as well.