Solve the problem of slow hair growth ... Here's how
Many women suffer from slow hair growth for various reasons, and if you suffer from the same problem, resort to some oils. As if mixing 5 to 7 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and massaging the scalp with the mixture. Then leave the mixture on your hair for a few hours before washing it well. In this case, it is better that A.
Use castor oil, olive oil, and other beneficial oils. According to her magazine.
Patchouli oil soothes the scalp and speeds up hair growth.
And orange oil, lemon and mandarin, it works to strengthen the follicles.
Cedar oil also nourishes the hair and scalp. To benefit from these oils, it is best to apply them to dry, not wet hair.
To get rid of dandruff, you should massage your scalp with a mixture that contains 10 drops of essential oil and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp with a massage, then leave it on for the next day. It is advisable in this case to resort to tea tree oil, peppermint or lavender.