The benefits of persimmon .. will make you eat it daily
The health benefits of persimmon fruit are numerous, as it helps in treating colds, as many people may catch colds with the onset of the winter season, and we resort to medical drugs to eliminate them, but nature has provided us with anti-nature, most notably the persimmon fruit.
The benefits of persimmons on an empty stomach
For his part, Dr. Magdy Badran, a pediatric consultant and a member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology, said that “coca” is rich in nutrients that enhance health and immunity, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are vital to better health and serve as immunity to colds.
According to the "BBC" website, the expert continued, " persimmon fruit is low in calories, contains vitamin A, C, and manganese, and is rich in dietary fiber."
The benefits of persimmons for men
1- Helps reduce the level of fats in the blood, especially cholesterol
2- It works to prevent constipation
3- They are broken down in the intestine into fatty acids that feed the beneficial bacteria
4- Prevents allergies
5- It activates the immune system
6- Prevention of cancer
7 - useful in dieting and to reduce weight
8- Anti-cancer
9- Maintains youth, delays aging, and protects from chronic diseases, especially heart diseases.
10 - Reduces asthma attacks, especially with exertion, sports or physical activity.
11 - Reduces allergic inflammation associated with bronchial allergy.
12 - Reduces the mucus that its accumulation causes narrowing of the airways and thus difficulty breathing.
Benefits of persimmons for children
persimmon is full of important vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and B, potassium and manganese. It also contains beneficial plant compounds such as tannins and flavonoids.
- The benefits of persimmon fruit for hair
It strengthens the immune system and protects hair from hair loss
One persimmon contains 80 percent of the body's daily need of vitamin C, making it an important component of strengthening the immune system.
persimmon Protects against cancer
persimmon is high in cancer-fighting antioxidants, and it also contains chemical compounds that kill cancer cells.
persimmon Fights skin aging
Also, persimmon contains vitamin A, beta-carotenoids and lutein, all of which are antioxidants and reduce skin aging.
- Helpful to look
Includes coca fruit, zeaxanthin, which is beneficial for eye and cell health and reduces vision impairment and night blindness.
According to the "health line" site, about many benefits for the body, they occur when eating persimmons.
Benefits of eating persimmons
It strengthens immunity and purifies the body from toxins.
Maintains eye health.
Significantly raise the efficiency of the digestive system.
Cancer prevention, harmful lipid reduction and thyroid safety.
Maintain a healthy heart; Because they contain pectin, they prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce cholesterol.
They prevent constipation and break down in the intestine into fatty acids that feed the beneficial bacteria.
It gives a feeling of fullness, which helps in losing weight.
- The benefits of cocoa for weight loss
Filled with low calories, it helps in losing weight, so you can eat it in abundance without fear of gaining weight.
Benefits of persimmons for infants
Colorful persimmons are low in calories and loaded with fiber, making them a weight loss friendly food.
Just one persimmon contains more than half the recommended amount of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin important for immune function, vision, and fetal development.
Aside from vitamins and minerals, persimmon contains a wide range of plant compounds, including tannins, flavonoids, and carotenoids, which can positively affect your health.
persimmon leaves are also high in vitamin C, tannins, and fiber, in addition to a common ingredient in medicinal teas.