The story of Mohamed Ramadan, "Farida", a transgender woman in Egypt
Adel Othman, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Damietta, met "Farida Ramadan Ali Saud", the Arabic language teacher at Abdel Hamid Abu Salha School in Damietta, in his office, and listened to her story in detail, familiar with the documents proving the authenticity of her speech and her sexual transformation from male to female.
And the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Damietta, Farida, promised to solve her problem in the near future.
This came in an immediate response to what was published by "Today's News Portal" yesterday under the title, "The government refuses to recognize the transgender Muhammad Ramadan" Farida ", which revealed unique suffering with education and her dismissal from her work as a result of her absence due to the harassment she was subjected to during her work and also To follow up on her health condition inside hospitals, Farida called on the Ministry of Education to intervene to obtain the job file or return to work again, especially since she has not reached the legal age of the pension.
Read also: Muhammad Ramadan turns to "Farida" ... and the government refuses to recognize the new woman, "Tire"
Farida Ramadan expressed her complete happiness at the Damietta Education Directorate's response to her problem, stressing that the Undersecretary of the Ministry is a respectable person and was appreciative of her circumstances, pointing out that the Damietta Education Director promised her to solve her problems according to the legal procedures.
For his part, Khalaf Al-Zanati, the head of the Teachers ’Syndicate, confirmed in a special statement to Al-Akhbar Al-Masai that the union will discuss Farida Ramadan’s problem, and will review her file in an attempt to help her solve her problem with education.
Dr. Salah Salam, a member of the Health and Human Rights Committee of the National Council for Human Rights, said that transgender people in general have the right to this matter, if there is a medical necessity for the transgender, in accordance with the person's inclinations and feelings and what the medical side requires, and what has been confirmed by the tests for these Matter.
In the case of "Farida" .. "Salam" affirmed that it is her right and that society must accept her, because the issue for her was medical and not a luxury, as is the case in some cases.