The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf',

The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf', 

starring Khaled Al-Nabawi, Ghada Adel, Muhammad Mamdouh and Muhammad Farrag. The film is based on Tawfiq al-Hakim's novel of the same name, directed by Amr Arafa. It is expected to be screened next summer.

The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf',  starring Khaled Al-Nabawi, Ghada Adel, Muhammad Mamdouh and Muhammad Farrag. The film is based on Tawfiq al-Hakim's novel of the same name, directed by Amr Arafa. It is expected to be screened next summer.

The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf',  starring Khaled Al-Nabawi, Ghada Adel, Muhammad Mamdouh and Muhammad Farrag. The film is based on Tawfiq al-Hakim's novel of the same name, directed by Amr Arafa. It is expected to be screened next summer.

The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf',  starring Khaled Al-Nabawi, Ghada Adel, Muhammad Mamdouh and Muhammad Farrag. The film is based on Tawfiq al-Hakim's novel of the same name, directed by Amr Arafa. It is expected to be screened next summer.

The Official posters of the Egyptian movie 'Ahl el-Kahf',  starring Khaled Al-Nabawi, Ghada Adel, Muhammad Mamdouh and Muhammad Farrag. The film is based on Tawfiq al-Hakim's novel of the same name, directed by Amr Arafa. It is expected to be screened next summer.

By : Admin
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