Chinese President Xi Jinping: China is winning a landslide victory over poverty

Chinese President Xi Jinping: China is winning a landslide victory over poverty

Chinese President Xi Jinping declared, at a meeting devoted to reviewing the country's achievements in poverty eradication:

Chinese President Xi Jinping: China is winning a landslide victory over poverty

"Thanks to the efforts of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people, our country has achieved a complete victory over extreme poverty."

Last May, during the opening of the third session of the National People's Congress, the Chinese authorities determined to score a decisive victory in combating poverty and building a middle-income society.

The Chinese president noted that 98.99 million rural residents have crossed the poverty line, and 832 counties and 128 poor villages have been lifted.

By this, he declares his country’s complete victory over extreme poverty after an 8-year struggle.

And the country has invested in the fight against poverty over the past eight years about 1.6 trillion yuan, equivalent to about 246 billion dollars.

By : Admin
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