Hala Shiha and Moez Masoud got married tomorrow in a Cairo hotel

Hala Shiha and Moez Masoud got married tomorrow in a Cairo hotel

The star, Hala Shiha, is celebrating her marriage contract tomorrow, Monday, with the preacher and producer Moez Masoud, after a love story and engagement that lasted for several months, and the marriage is held in a small hall in a Cairo hotel, as it will be limited to the two families and very close people only, and the wedding has been postponed during the past two days due to a severe cold crisis for his mother The star, Hala Shiha, and the newlyweds impose complete secrecy on this celebration, as they agreed that the matter should be limited to the two families only.

Hala Shiha and Moez Masoud got married tomorrow in a Cairo hotel

Hala Shiha and Moez Masoud raised a controversy about their relationship and the love story that brought them together without introductions, especially since they were seen more than once in several public places and a group of photos were leaked to them.

The star, Hala Shiha, had joined her followers and fans through her official account on the "Instagram" site, with a new picture of her with her father, artist Ahmed Shiha, and appeared with her while she was sitting on his feet, commenting on her, saying: "There is nothing like this moment with the most expensive person ... a precious moment. With the most expensive people, "and the image has received the admiration of a large number of its followers since its publication.

By : Admin
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