Does Tesla use cars in espionage work? Elon Musk explains

Does Tesla use cars in espionage work? Elon Musk explains

The head of the US electric car maker Tesla, Elon Musk, took advantage of the opportunity to speak at an event in China on Saturday, denying that his company had used auto technology in espionage.

Do Tesla use cars in espionage work? Elon Musk explains

The president of the American electric car manufacturer Tesla, Elon Musk, took advantage of the opportunity to speak at an event in China, and denied his company used car technology in espionage.

Musk said that if Tesla used its cars to spy in China, or anywhere else, "our doors will be closed everywhere."

"If a commercial company engages in espionage activities, the negative effects on it will be very bad," Musk said in his speech, which was broadcast over the Internet from America.

“For example, if (Tesla) uses its cars to spy in China - or anywhere, or country - we will shut our doors everywhere,” he said. Therefore, there is a strong incentive for us to be very secretive about any information »

Musk’s comments come less than 24 hours after a Bloomberg report said that Tesla cars were banned from entering military sites and complexes in China due to fears of collecting sensitive information through the cameras in these cars.

China, the world's largest producer of electric cars, is a major market for Musk's global growth ambitions.

Tesla sold 130,000 Model 3 electric cars in China last year, making it the second largest market for Tesla after the United States.

By : Admin
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