In Thailand: Training of police dogs to detect people infected with Corona by sniffing a human sweat

In Thailand: Training of police dogs to detect people infected with Corona by sniffing a human sweat

An experimental project in Thailand has succeeded in training police dogs, to detect infection with the emerging corona virus by smelling a person's sweat.

In Thailand: Training of police dogs to detect people infected with Corona by sniffing a human sweat

And trained dogs can detect a volatile organic compound. It is excreted in the sweat of people with corona even in the absence of symptoms of the disease.

The trained dogs, which are six "Labrador Retriever" dogs, showed the ability to detect virus infection with an accuracy of nearly 95 percent.

These dogs, which were trained for six months, can be used to detect people infected with the Coronavirus in crowded transportation stations within seconds.

It took the dogs from one to two seconds to detect the virus. So that it will be able to examine 60 samples within a minute.

By : Admin
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