Pyramids first or "Stonehenge": Researchers uncover a tourist attraction older than the pyramids .. Details
The pyramids first or "Stonehenge" .. This question occupies the minds of experts and archaeologists now, until scientists were confused about the reality of the landmark "Stonehenge", which was built in the Bronze Age in Britain, and the time of construction before the construction of the pyramids of Giza or not?
The story of "Stonehenge" took a dramatic turn last month after researchers discovered remains in the hills of Pembrokeshire in southwestern Wales. Its discovery quickly proved to be one of the largest and oldest stone circles in Britain, believed to be one of the original building blocks of Stonehenge.
Experts believe that the stones may have been dismantled and rebuilt 150 miles away, in "Salisbury Plain" in Wiltshire, where the landmark is currently located, according to what was published by the British newspaper "Daily Express".
The age of the structure was explored during the National Geographic documentary, "Who Built Stonehenge?". During the film, they concluded that Stonehenge was much older than the Roman Empire, and the documentary indicated that "Stonehenge's first stage preceded the great pyramids of Egypt."
The first known major event in Stonehenge was the construction of a circular moat with an inner and outer bank, built around 3000 BC, which surrounded an area of about 100 meters in diameter and had two entrances, the early form of the Henji monument and the beginnings of what has become one of the greatest mysteries in the world.
A number of tests have been conducted at the site to determine a time frame, and people suggest that the structure was the work of the ancient British, whom National Geographic described as "primitive and unknown people".
The film goes on to say that it seems inconceivable that 4,500 years ago Britain was nearing the end of the Stone Age, and moving into the Bronze Age, when people were then subsistence farmers who were not technically advanced and were just beginning to understand how to deal with minerals.
The truth eluded researchers for decades, that these people were able to convey and build such an engineering feat.