Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity

Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity

Global communities are rallying around the Palestinian cause, showcasing their support through various means. A notable expression of solidarity has emerged through the revival of the Swedish song "Leve Palestina," which has become an anthem in recent demonstrations across European nations.

Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity Global communities are rallying around the Palestinian cause, showcasing their support through various means. A notable expression of solidarity has emerged through the revival of the Swedish song "Leve Palestina," which has become an anthem in recent demonstrations across European nations.

The Historical Roots of "Leve Palestina":

Originally released about 45 years ago, in 1978, "Leve Palestina" was performed by the Swedish Kufiya group, founded by George Totary after he left Palestinian territories in 1967 and moved to Sweden in 1972. The group, named after the Palestinian kufiya symbolizing resilience, was diverse, consisting of members from various nationalities, with Totary being the only Palestinian.

A Revival of Solidarity:

The Swedish band Spartacus reignited the song's flame by including it in their 2016 album "Med Sången Som Vapen" (With the Song as a Weapon). This move brought "Leve Palestina" back into the limelight, serving as a vocal expression of protest against the Israeli Zionist entity.

Controversy and Cultural Impact:

Upon its initial release, "Leve Palestina" was part of the album "Earth of My Homeland" and faced accusations of anti-Semitism for its explicit lyrics against Zionism. This led to a parliamentary discussion in Sweden about the song's content, underlining its political and cultural significance.

Lyrics - A Voice of Resistance:

The lyrics of "Leve Palestina" convey a strong message of resilience, agricultural connection to the land, and a resolve to fight for freedom. It mentions the daily acts of cultivating the land, harvesting wheat, picking lemons, pressing olives, and the known struggle of the Palestinian people.


"Leve Palestina" is more than a song; it's a symbol of global solidarity and an enduring voice against oppression. It has transcended its original context to become a rallying cry for those standing with Palestine and a testament to the power of music as a form of resistance.

وهذه كلمات الأغنية:

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهيو$نية

Leve Palestina och krossa sion ismen.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهيو$نية

Leve Palestina och krossa sionism en.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصه$يونية

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve Palestina och krossa sionism en.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهيو$نية

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهي$ونية

Och vi har odlat jorden.

نحن زرعنا الأرض

Och vi har skördat vetet.

ونحن حصدنا القمح

Vi har plockat citronerna.

ونحن قطفنا الليمون

Och pressad oliverna.

وعصرنا الزيتون

Och hela världen känner till vår jord.

وكل العالم يعرف ارضنا

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve Palestina och krossa sioni smen.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصه$يونية

Leve Palestina och krossa sioni smen.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الص$هيونية

Och vi har kastat stenar på,

ونحن رمينا الحجارة

soldater och poliser.

على الجنود والشرطة

Och vi har skjutit raketer,

ونحن  أطلقنا الصواريخ

mot våra fiender.

على أعدائنا

Och hela världen känner till vår kamp.

وكل العالم يعرف عن كفاحنا

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصه$يونية

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصه$يونية

Och vi ska befria vårt land,

وسوف نحرر أرضنا

från imperialismen.

من الإمبري الية

Och vi ska bygga upp vårt land,

وسوف نعمر بلادنا

till socialismen.

نحو الإشتراكية

Och hela världen kommer att bevittna.

العالم بأجمعه سيشهد ذلك

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve, leve, leve Palestina.

تحيا تحيا تحيا فلسطين

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهي$ ونية

Leve Palestina och krossa sionis men.

تحيا فلسطين وتسقط الصهي $ونية

Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity Global communities are rallying around the Palestinian cause, showcasing their support through various means. A notable expression of solidarity has emerged through the revival of the Swedish song "Leve Palestina," which has become an anthem in recent demonstrations across European nations.

Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity Global communities are rallying around the Palestinian cause, showcasing their support through various means. A notable expression of solidarity has emerged through the revival of the Swedish song "Leve Palestina," which has become an anthem in recent demonstrations across European nations.

Leve Palestina: The Swedish Anthem Embraced by the World for Palestinian Solidarity Global communities are rallying around the Palestinian cause, showcasing their support through various means. A notable expression of solidarity has emerged through the revival of the Swedish song "Leve Palestina," which has become an anthem in recent demonstrations across European nations.


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